2023. január 21., szombat


ez egy nagyon érdekes cikk (illetve tanácsadós rovat vagy mi) arról, hogy ki hogyan viszonyul a párja testméreteihez. ah. wow.

"(...) I’m not hearing anything about the zillion other factors that go into determining a person’s weight. Like genetics, age, hormones, family history, metabolism, mental health, stress, social pressure, medications, her relationship to her past traumas or abuses or neglects, her history with food and exercise, the messages she internalized about those things growing up, whether or not she’s a perfectionist, what demands are on her life and time and body outside of “diet and exercise,” what her financial situation is, whether or not she has any food aversions or sensitivities, how the pandemic has affected her. "

mindig mindenkinek (és mindennek) annyi, de annyi rétege van, ezt sose felejtsük.

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